
Acceptance of the general terms and conditions is essential to be able to purchase any work.

In order to complete the purchase you must select the confirmation box that you have read and accept these terms of service


The works are subject to availability on the web .

Each of the works for sale has attached the data that describes it.

The shipping method, packaging and related costs will be detailed in the order summary.

Billing and shipping information

In order to place the order you must enter the billing information as well as the order shipping information, if they are different.

Before confirming the order, verify that the information you have entered in the purchase form is correct. You will be able to correct possible errors in the data entered, as well as delete or modify the works of the shopping cart.

If when making the purchase the work is no longer available, in less than 48 hours I will send you an email informing you of the cancellation of the order and I will return the money.

Shipping costs

Free shipping

You or your carrier can pick up the order in my own studio, free of shipping or packaging costs . . As soon as I have the documentation ready and the order packaged, I will contact you so that you can pick it up. For your safety, I will ask you to tell me when and who will happen.

The digital series will have free shipping to Spain, Andorra, countries of the European Union and the Schengen area.

Printed series will have free shipping to Spain, Andorra and Portugal.

Shipping with costs

For all other works that do not have free shipping , such as an oil on canvas packed in a wooden box, the shipping costs will be at your own expense , and you will see them reflected before finalizing the purchase in the order summary. The amount will depend on the direction, weight and dimensions of the package.

For international shipments outside the European Union, customs fees, national taxes, management fees and other expenses that may arise from extra-community shipping will be your responsibility.


The digital series digitally signed and serialized, I will save them on a USB memory also signed and serialized. I will put the USB memory inside a box, and I will send it together with the certificate of authenticity in a padded envelope.

The printed series signed and serialized I will send them wrapped and protected inside a cardboard tube , together with the certificate of authenticity.

The oil or acrylic works on canvas or large format wood I will send them wrapped and protected in a wooden box , together with their certificate of authenticity. This packaging has a cost of € 100, and you will see it reflected before finalizing the purchase in the order summary.

In case of shipment to a non-EU country, the order will have the necessary documentation attached for your customs agent to carry out the necessary procedures. In any case, if customs requests additional documentation related to the work, do not hesitate to contact me through This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . I'll send you the documentation quickly.

Sales prices, payment terms and taxes

The sale prices of the works appear in euros (EUR - €) .

The payment method is through Paypal , and you can use a own Paypal account or a credit card.

Possible packaging and shipping costs are not included in the sale price, as they are indicated after entering the shipping address.

Taxes are not included in the sale price, as they depend on the shipping address and whether you have a valid European VAT number ( EU VAT number ).

  • Taxes for orders sent to a country of the European Union
    • If the order is sent to a European Union country and you have a valid European VAT number ( EU VAT number ), remember to write it down on the purchase form , so the web will check its validez and will not apply any tax .
    • If the order is sent to a European Union country and you do not have a valid European VAT number , the website will apply the 10% Spanish VAT for works of art sold by the artist himself.
  • Orders sent to a country outside the European Union
    • The web will not apply any tax .
    • Customs fees, administration fees, taxes from the receiving country and other expenses derived from cross-border shipping will not appear in the order summary and are your responsibility.


25-year accident warranty

If you have a digital impression that has suffered an accident , humidity, breakage, etc., I can send you another one with the same serial number and signed . But remember, you have to return the damaged work to me at your expense so that I can value it and accept the guarantee. In this case you will have to pay the return costs, the costs of re-printing the work in the conditions that I decide (paper, technique, etc.), the packaging costs and the shipping costs of the new work. < / p>

If you have a digital edition that has suffered an accident , USB failure, etc., I can send you another one with the same serial number and signed . But remember, first I will have to certify that you are the owner of the original work. In this case, you will have to pay the certification costs, if any, and the packaging and shipping costs of the new work.

For the rest of the works I will not be able to offer this service because they are non-reproducible works.

This 25-year accident warranty is offered without obligation on my part, and I can waive it at any time and at my discretion. For example, I will give it up if I lose the originals. In no case will you be able to claim any compensation or compensation from me if I do not agree to enforce this guarantee. You should not understand this guarantee as a maintenance service for printed copies, or replacement service in case of theft. It is a demonstrable accident guarantee.

Receipt guarantee

If upon receiving an order you discover that the work is defective or damaged , you have the right to request, within 7 days, its repair or replacement or, if this is not possible, a price reduction or a refund. You should contact me as soon as possible by sending an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Right of withdrawal or Return conditions

You have a period of 14 days from the delivery of the order to use your right of withdrawal, without any cost or reason . You just have to send an email to the following address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . It will be then when I will manage the cancellation and I will contact you to tell you where to return the work. I will proceed to refund the money within 14 days from the date I receive the returned work. I will reimburse you for the price of the work purchased and the shipping costs. You will only have to pay the return shipping costs.

For this right of withdrawal to be valid, the work must arrive at my facilities within 14 days from when I communicate the shipping address, and in the same state in which it was sent, neither damaged nor dirty. I will videotape both the shipping packages and the return packages. If you receive the work with damage, you must treat the case according to the previous point of Receipt guarantee , not through this right of withdrawal.

Statutory guarantees

I promise to respect and implement your legal guarantees, that is, the guarantee of non-compliance and the guarantee of hidden defects.

Force majeure

In case of force majeure, you can suspend the execution of the purchase contract or, if the situation is completed, you can proceed to cancel it.

They are considered cases of force majeure or acts of God, those usually recognized by the jurisprudence of Spanish courts and tribunals, that is, an event that is beyond the control of the buyer, which is impossible to foresee or overcome, and whose effects they cannot be avoided in any way. If you declare force majeure, you must inform me immediately via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , as well as its termination.

Intellectual property

As the author of the work and in accordance with Spanish intellectual property law, I will retain the moral right of the works and the right to disclosure granted to me.

CertCertificate of authenticity of the work

Along with the work I will attach a certificate of authenticity.

The works will be signed, and in the case of serial works, the serial number of the latter will be noted.

In the case of digital, serial or unique works, the computer file will be digitally signed by me.